KALLIRROE (KELLY) LINARDOU / Assistant Professor
Kallirroe Linardou is an Assistant Professor in the History of Byzantine and Medieval Art, teaching as a faculty member in the Department of Theory & History of Art, Athens School of Fine Arts, since 2010. She is a graduate of the Department of History & Archeology, University of Ioannina (1993). Her postgraduate and doctoral studies were undertaken in Great Britain: MA in Late Antique and Byzantine Studies, King’s College, London (2000), and Ph.D. in Byzantine Art, Institute of Archaeology and Antiquity, Centre of Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, University of Birmingham, Great Britain (2004). During her postgraduate studies and beyond she has been a recipient of the following scholarships and fellowships: Foundation of State Scholarships (IKY); A.G. Leventis Foundation; Arts and Humanities Research Board (A.H.R.B.) of the British Academy; Stanley J. Seeger Center of Hellenic Studies, University of Princeton. Earlier in her career she has been employed under contract as a field archeologist by the Greek Ministry of Culture. Her specialty is byzantine illustrated manuscripts and she has published variously on this topic; she is currently preparing an anthology of papers dedicated to Byzantine illustrated manuscripts (in Greek).
- Leslie Brubaker and Kallirroe Linardou, eds, Eat, Drink, and Be Merry (Luke 12:19) – Food and Wine in Byzantium, Papers of the 37th Annual Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, in Honour of Professor Α.A.M. Bryer (Aldershot, 2007)
- ‘The Kokkinobaphos manuscripts revisited: the internal evidence of the books’, Scriptorium, 61/2 (2007), 384-407
- ‘New visions of old meanings: Parisinus Graecus 135 and some anti-Latin visual implications’, in Angeliki Lymberopoulou, ed., Images of the byzantine world. Visions, messages and meanings. Studies presented to Leslie Brubaker (Aldershot, 2011), 169-184
- ‘An Alternative to Illustration. Marginalia figuratα in codex Coislin 88 of the Bibliothèque nationale”, Δελτίον της Χριστιανικής Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 34 (2013), 285-300
- ‘Imperial impersonations. Disguised portraits of a Komnenian prince and his father’, in A. Bucossi and A. Rodriguez Suarez (eds), John II Komnenos Emperor of Byzantium: In the Shadow of Father and Son (London, 2016), 155-182
- ‘Mirroring the Face of God. The Challenge of the “Invisible Face” and the Metropolitan Crucifixion ivory’, in L. Diamantopoulou and M. Gerolemou, eds, Mirrors and Mirroring from Antiquity to the Early Modern Period (London, 2020), 177-187
Email: klinardou@asfa.gr
Asfa Academia: Kelly (Kallirroe) Linardou (asfa.academia.edu)
Google Scholar: Kallirroe (Kelly) Linardou
Research Gate: Kallirroe Linardou (researchgate.net)

Leslie Brubaker and Kallirroe Linardou, eds, Eat, Drink, and Be Merry (Luke 12:19) – Food and Wine in Byzantium, Papers of the 37th Annual Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, in Honour of Professor Α.A.M. Bryer (Aldershot, 2007)

With contributions from Dr. William Allen, Dr. Magdalene Breidenthal, Dr. Andrew Casper, Dr. Paroma Chatterjee, Dr. Allen Farber, Dr. Ariel Fein, Dr. Evan Freeman, Dr. Beth Harris, Kalliroe Linardou, Dr. Elizabeth Macaulay, Kathleen Maxwell, Dr. Anne McClanan, Dr. Robert G. Ousterhout, Dr. Nancy Ross, Dr. Courtney Tomaselli, Dr. Nicolette S. Trahoulia, Dr. Alicia Walker, and Dr. Steven Zucker