BARBARA ROUSSOU / Laboratory Teaching Staff
Barbara Roussou completed her PhD thesis at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Free verse from the point of view of modern metrics:the first Greek free verse poems 1900-1945) and in the Department of Art Theory and History of Athens School of Fine Arts (The long way of the female poetic tradition of Greek women from the 19th to the 20th century.) She has been a member of the Laboratory Teaching Staff of the Department of Art Theory and History since 2019. She has participated in over twenty Greek and international conferences and in edited books (recent participation «The verbalization of the image in the work of J-K. Huysmans» in the Eikona/Logos published by stigmos 2022). She wrote the introduction and edited the edition of the work of Antonousa Kambouraki, the first Greek poet to publish a work under her own name (Poihmata Tragica published by stigmos). Her monograph on the entry of free verse in Greece and the Anthology “Διατί τάχα να μη γράψη η γυνή, Ανθολογία Ελληνίδων ποιητριών, 1840-1910” are under publication. Her research interests: issues of intermediality (art and literature relationship), literature-gender relationship, modern gender theories, 19th century women’s literature with an emphasis on poetry and modern Greek poetry (2000-2020). She systematically deals with the criticism of poetry in print (Nea Estia, Poiitiki) and online (oanagnostis, Chartis) magazines. She is also a member of the price jury of the online magazine oanagnostis.