FAY ZIKA / Associate Professor

Fay Zika is Associate Professor in Philosophy and Theory of Art, Department of Art Theory and History, and Vice-Rector of Research and Lifelong Learning (2019-23) of the Athens School of Fine Arts. She also teaches at the MA Programmes in the Visual Arts (MET) and in the Theory and History of Art (METHISTE). Her research interests include colour theory and artistic practice, multisensory perception and aesthetics, identity and gender issues, the relation between art and nature, new media and artistic applications, the relations between philosophy and the arts and sciences. She has published articles in Greek and international journals, collective volumes and exhibition catalogues. She is the author of Arts and Thoughts: Philosophical Investigations in Contemporary Art (Agra, 2018); and the editor of the Greek translation of David Batchelor’s Chromophobia (Agra, 2013), the exhibition catalogue Absence (Nisos, 2013), the collections of essays Thought, Art, Life: The Aesthetic Philosophy of Alexander Nehamas (Okto, 2014) and Garden Variations (Nisos, 2021).